Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wenting for The End

It seems that as we get to different ends of time the movies and the futurists call this is it we are all going to die.

With the 2012 movie and 2012 YouTube movies going on and on we are getting close to another pre year 2000 end of times.

Please can we stop this madness now it is not going to happen we will just keep going and if changes take place we will change with them as people have for the last 10,000 years .

It is only a matter of who is left and who is not ,we will survive as a human group but people will have to adapt to this and we will because we always have.

The last ice age as one thing and the ongoing problems of disease and war ,as the last world war 50 million people died!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The reasons for getting married

Dear readers this is a story about the how I explained to my children about the great gift of being married.

We sat near the camp fire and we started talking about relationships and being married .

So the question about when do you know when it is right to get married and is that person the right person for you .

So I asked the kids how do you know when you are in love ?

The children thought about this and really wondered what was the right answer.

So I told them that love or what we call romantic love in the western world lasts only about two years of a relationship.

So first a find someone that you care about a friend and let that friendship grow.

When it grows move to the next level within the relationship .You want more of that person in your life and want to be with that person as much as possible .

As time goes by the feelings between each person changes this can go cold and you my drift apart or you may to go on and get married .

The main question is how long do you want to be together and are you really compatible with each other.The kids were wide eyed when I talked like this.

I stopped and reflected on this what is the main thing I had spoken about .The children said friendship I feel that it is and always is the main pillar of married life.

So you are married and how are things now the honeymoon is over and you sit together thinking about the house ,money problems and your job these can be small and big problems depending on how you deal with them.

This next stage is how do you both work together to over come these issues but still have fun together and a great sex life like the movies!!

The kids did not want to talk about that part but the words are balance and how you spend your time comes up .Yes that thing for some can be a nightmare and others a way to live a great life.

I am going to list several different areas that I think are important over the next few blogs

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The everything screen

When will have the everything screen.The one picture screen that will help us see and interact with all the interfaces that we have come to love .
The itouch is my new friend with the ability to us it on many levels.
The web interface and the apts are just great but the battery life is to short .
So the way ahead has got to be a iphone type unit but it has to be thicker to take a longer lasting battery and maybe Little larger screen.
The future of all this tech stuff depends on one thing will we be happy with a unit that is the jack of all things but the master of none ?
Or do we need to change the whole thing with a different angle on the PDA thing .
Happy communicating

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The end of summer

As we see the end of summer coming and the fall approaching us ,I hope that I can renew old friendships again on the web and send out new images from this side of the world .

But want does happen if you don't have a camera and you want those great photos from that super beach and lost building that you are told only you and a handful of people have seen?

The web has it all the Holiday snaps to the travels blog just copy and paste !!

The total holiday photo album is in your hands.

thanks to the other guys.Before you tell me that this is wrong ,wait if you forget the memory stick or don't take the camera due to high crime in a country this is the right thing to do.

Here are my photos of Brazil kindly taken from others that had better shots enjoy!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The New York of the 21st century is so different to the New York that as was told about before ,the muggings the danger of the subways and the gruffness of the police offices .

All has seemed to have gone to elsewhere to make New York a different place .

Manhattan was a great place with the building going up so high and rush of people walking around us.But it seemed that is was not as fast pace as we were told .

New York when I was there was both rainy and hot this change made the city have many different characters over the time we were living there.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The small and big screens around us

We are surrounded with small and large screens giving us information or mis-information .

This is happening all the time and we are looking but are we seeing through it .Or are we taking it at face value .

We must continue to question the information that is being releaed to us ,don't trust it don't give in to it .We must follow the money and see the angle on the information that is being told.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Passwords and more passwords!!

The rapid expansion of passwords of everything!!

This month I wanted to comment on the expansion on passwords around the Internet and other government bodies.As time goes by I have noted that we need more and more codes and passwords to be remembered .Last count I have 30 passwords to forget and now I have been told just have the same one for all the banks, insurance ,car insurance and utilities and phone and cable so it goes on .Stop this madness and lets have finger print or eye recognition in place to save ourseleves.